These patterns are made by water currents running over polished brass. The colour variation, viewed in daylight, are produced by different velocities of water flow; around objects and within the skeins of water itself. The last point is a little hard to grasp. Water has variable viscosity in thin films. This variation means high speed thicker skeins are more slippery, so at the edge of such a stream there is turbulence, this makes different colours. (surface tension is one aspect of this)
As NO ONE has explained this phenomena my guess is an electrical effect. The film was made using one brass sheet that would fit in the hand. The camera is kept in the same position, the light is altered either by shooting at dawn, all the best brasses are shot at dawn, and sunset. Other variations are caused using LED lights of different colours. The LED’s only take effect at very low light levels because they may be 2-3 meters from the object. This allows fast manipulation, monitored in the view screen before the shutter is pressed (remotely to prevent shake).
Prof.Pollack’s work on EZ water may help to calibrate patterns for water analysis and the work of Dr.Benveniste (Water has a memory) and Dr.Masaru Emoto, not forgetting our old friend Victor Schauberger. The colour is akin to a butterfly wing or an iridescent beetle. Dye less colour.
John Byde
Water Brass Art image, October 2016 (img1082)